President |
Sarah Fucillo |
Husson University | ||
President Elect |
Rani Mehta | Caribou High School | ||
Past President |
Jessica Greene |
Southern Aroostook Community School | 207-757-8206 X-045 | |
Secretary |
Jeannine Recce |
SeDoMoCha Middle School |
207-564-6535 | |
Treasurer |
Pamela Gagnon da Silva | Resilient Women, LLC |
207-479-0553 |
ACA/NAR Representative |
Leslie Smith |
Hermon High School |
207-848-4000 |
Historian |
Membership |
Ruth Ann Cowger |
No. New England Assoc. for Counseling & Education |
Professional Standards & Ethics |
Deborah Drew |
Consultant/Clinical Supervisor |
207-944-9048 |
Public Policy |
Stan Pelletier |
Bucksport High School |
207-469-6653 |
Public Relations / Social Media |
Regan Vancil |
Husson University - Graduate Student |
Public Relations / Website |
Dean Collins |
CMeCA President |
DMeCA President |
Cara Cirillo |
Machias Memorial High School |
207-255-3812 |
EMeCA President |
Ebonie Baker | Husson University | ebonie.m.baker@gmail.com | |
NMeCA President |
Sarah Stackhouse |
Northern Maine Community College |
207-768-2782 |
nsstackh@nmcc.edu |
SMeCA President |
Melissa Fowler |
Greely High School | 207-829-4805 |
mfowler@msad51.org |
ME Career Development Assoc. |
Marianne Cowan |
mcowen@bates.edu |
ME College Admissions Assoc. |
Jeremy Bouford |
University of Maine -Fort Kent |
207-621-3062 |
ME Mental Health Counselor Association |
Tonya Duggan |
ME School Counselor Assoc. |
Scott Harris, Chair Rebecca Edelman, Assistant Chair |
Scarborough High School Husson University |
sharris@scarboroughschools.org |
Graduate Student Reps |
University of Southern Maine |
Jenna Norton |
Husson University |
nortonj@husson.edu |